I want to wish all my readers a Happy New Year. May all of your hopes, dreams and wishes come true in 2010.
I resolve to pay more atrtention to my blog and post at least twice a week.
If you leave a comment under this email between January 1, 2010 and January 17, 2010 you will be entered to win a $15.00 Amazon.com gift card. Please remember to leave your email so I can notify the winner. On Monday, January 18, 2010 I will use random.com to select the winner.

1 – 200 of 257 Newer› Newest»Good Luck with your blog. And Good Luck with your recipe contest.
thanks Carole for offering this! $15.00 would be a nice chunk out of the cost of a new cookbook on Amazon! Happy New Year!
thanks for the giveaway:)
Have a happy newyear!
this would be great to win!! thanks!!
Hope you have a Happy New Year~ your blog looks great and a $15 Amazon card would be fun to find a little surprise! Thank you for yoru generousity! Jes*In*CO
Thanks Carole. Happy Blogging and Happy New Year!
Hi Carole; love the idea of a gift card on Amazon...so may cooking related "toys" Thanks for offering..Happy New Year!
Love your blog! Thanks for the giveaway and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Carole,
Happy New Year, Carole! May all of our recipes be winners this year!
May we all keep our New Years Resolutions! Happy New Year
Happy New Year and wishing you only the very best in the coming year!
Happy New Year kind lady!
Good luck with your resolution! Hope you and your followers have a happy new year.
Happy new year! I hope you had a good one. I can't believe it's already 2010. Thanks for holding this generous giveaway.
wakeupangel at gmail dot com
Happy New Year! God Bless everyone in 2010!
Happy new year, and best of luck fr yor blog in 2010!
Happy new Year-
Good Luck with your blog and recipe contest
diane Baum
Happy New Year!! May 2010 be a good one.
I'd love to win!
Happy Ney Year!! I hope one day soon you will win a Grand Prize!
i could use this one mverno@roadrunner.com
I love your blog! The Amazon gift card is a great giveaway! Wishing you all the best for 2010!
I already know what I'd buy with it! Thanks for the giveaway.
Best wishes for you Carole and all your followers for a wonderful, healthy, prosperous 2010. Thanks for offering this GC to my favorite store!
What a great way to start off 2010.
Hope it is a great year for you.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
Happy New Year, Carole! Good luck with your blog and your cooking. Thanks for offering the Amazon gift card giveaway. One of my resolutions is to learn more healthy recipes to cook this year. A $15 gift card would help with a good book for that purpose.
Happy New Year to you, too!
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year!!!
Thanks a lot for this great giveaway.
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
Happy New Year!! I shop at Amazon all the time so this would be a great win.
Hi Carole,
Happy New Year and good luck with your cooking contests this coming year.
Happy New Year!! Best wishes for much joy and success in 2010!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
You have a very nice blog. wildflower1014@tampabay.rr.com
Mary T. {zttmm1314 at yahoo dot com} writes: I wish you and I were neighbors because I like to experiment with cooking both new and made-up dishes. I think I could learn a lot from you as a taste-tester and a teacher. Good luck to all with this giveaway!
Thanks for the contest :)
Thanks for the Chance!
I would love a chance to win. Thank you.
Happy New Year to you!
Happy New Year;-)
Jeanette Huston
I'd love to win
Thanks for the giveaway. Hope you have a Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I believe that 2010 will be a wonderful year of change for my family of five, and I am excited to see what the new year will bring!
Alicia Webster
I hope you have a great New Year & great success with your blog.
That would be fabulous is you won the grandprize on the cook off/bake offs I wish you much sucess.
Nora SP
Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy New Year!
Thank you very much, have a great New Year...
Happy New Year and Happy Cooking in 2010!
would be awesome to win this
Happy new year! I hope you had a good one.
Thanks for the chance to win
Thanks for the chance to win
I'm a food historian from Maine- have you read "Saltwater Foodways" by Sandra Oliver? I had the deepest honor of meeting this gifted woman, and I wish to follow in her footsteps.writer61@yahoo.com
Happy New Year to you! I need to pay attention to my blog too. I've all but forgotten it lately.
That's a resolution I should make! The blog totally got away from me during the holidays. Happy New Year!
cookiert at yahoo
Happy New Year and good luck with your blog!!!
Happy New Year! Thanks for the chance to win.
1bmore @ gmail . com
Thank you for being so generous! I hope 2010 brings you much happiness and joy! :)
Happy New Year!
This is great. I need to get a jump on NEXT Christmas now and Amazon GC would be awesome.
Happy New Year to you as well, and thanks for the giveaway!
Happy New Year and thanks for the Amazon giveaway!
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would use the $15 to help pay for those expensive textbooks for school! (Buying used online is much cheaper)
Have a nice new year
DavidLeavitt at Gmail dot Com
I love Amazon and cookbooks. Thanks for the giveaway! (link to email in my profile)
Happy New Year! Thanks for the giveaway. There are many things left on my amazon wish list that I'd love to buy! :)
I have my eye on a set of bakeware at Amazon and the $15 would help me get it.
Good luck with your Resolution of being more active on your blog!
Happy New Year, and thanks, I resolve to try to be more optimistic
Happy New Year everyone! Here's hoping that this new year brings happiness to you all.
Happy New Year and good luck with your resolution!
Happy New Year Good Luck with your Recipe Contest and you Blog i cant wait to see whats next
lots of luck with your blog and i hope you have a fabulous new year thanks minsthins at optonline dot net
Thanks for the chance!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
keep up the good work.
Thank you for the giveaway! Have a Happy New Year!
thanks for the contest! good luck with your recipes! :)
You must be a very good cook to have been in all the cook and bake offs. Good luck with those, and I hope you win a grand prize soon.
good luck on winning a grand prize this year!
msboatgal at aol.com
Happy New Year!
thanks for adding to my favorite list of blogs!
Good luck on your blog :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Happy New Year and good luck with your blog!
Happy New Year and good luck with your blog! My resolution is to exercise more.
I'm looking forward to more great recipes in the new year! asthenight at gmail dot com
Good luck with the cooking contests. Hope you win a grand prize one day! Happy New Year!
Carole, I wish you a healthy as well as happy 2010 :)
We all have dreams....wishing yours
comes true in the way you want 'em to!
Good luck with your cooking contest entries. I love to cook, but can only follow a recipe - couldn't make up my own, but I appreciate those like you, who do, so there is always something new for me to try.
Happy New Year! Hope everyone has a wonderful happy year.
The holidays may be over, but birthdays continue, and an Amazon card is good because they have such a wide variety if items available.
clynsg at yahoo.com
Happy New Year. I hope 2010 is a great year
I love amazon, one of my favorite online stores!
hblaser at gmail dot com
Happy new year! Good luck with your blog. My daughter just got her bachelors degree in education and is hoping to find a job in elementary education.
Looking forward to reading your posts. Thanks for this giveaway, I love Amazon.
Great giveaway. Happy New Year.
Thanks for the chance to win! :-)
What a wonderful blog. Good luck in 2010.
Happy blogging
Good luck with your blog. Ignoring blogs happens to everyone
nikki5757 at gmail dot com
How exciting to have been to cooking contests, that must have been fun! :)
Good Luck with your New Year Goals!
I like to cook and bake too but I don't enter many of the recipe contests.
Good luck on winning that big prize!
Thanks for the opportunity, Carole. Happy New Year and may you have a successful year at contesting.
Happy New Year! Would be great to win this :)
Happy New Year!
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
Happy 2010, I hope I win $15, I would use it to buy baby supplies because I just had twins! :)
This would be great to win!
Hi, Carole. I think it's great that you enter (and have won!) recipe contests. I love to cook, but I'm not very creative.
hi carole! i'm also a ne ohioian (i live in willoughby). hope you're stayin warm in this brutal cold! God bless.
Happy New Year!
Good luck with your blog and your recipe contests. I hope you are the winner of a recipe contest real soon! Lindad4 at cox dot net
your blog looks great. i wish you good luck with it! Thanks for the opportuntiy!
I love shopping at Amazon.com! Thank you for the contest!
My resolve is to work harder in the gym.
I always love following along this blog!
What a great contest - thanks for posting!
Thanks for the giveaway, 2010 should be great!
Thanks for the chance to win, Amazon is my favorite!
katenmike420 at cox dot net
sign me up
Happy New Year to you too Carole! And Thank you for another great giveaway!
Thanks for this and Happy New Year! sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com
This would be great toward a new cookbook. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
Happy New Year! Thanks for the contest!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Happy new year....good luck with your blog!
Can't wait to see you new picture on your blog; it is such a beautiful one!!!! It would be great to win so I could stay inside cuddled up with a warm blanket reading a new cookbook.
Keep up the new year's resolution! Thanks for the contest :)
would help for diaper costs! thank you.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Happy New Year!
I hope you had a happy New Year and thanks for the generous giveaway.
Amazon is one of my favorite places to shop. Thanks for this opportunity to win.
I like to save up my gift certificates. I really would love some new throw pillows for the living room. Ours are pretty ratty.
Happy New Year :0
Happy New Year and good luck with the recipe contests!
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
May the economy get better for us all
Happy New Year! Thanks for this generous giveaway.
Happy New Year! Good luck with your blog and thank you for the awesome giveaway! You're the best!
heidibokor @ yahoo . com
Happy New Year and thanks!
Happy 2010 to all! I love Amazon and ALWAYS find way too many things there that I want.
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
happy new year! good luck with your blogging resolution
sounds great enter me
Happy New Year! Sounds like you are starting off right :)
Amazon is my favorite! Happy New Year!
Good luck on keeping your New Year's Resolution.
I'm lucky if I post once a week on my blog. I should probably make it a resolution but my resolution list is so long alredy.
Happy New Year! Thanks for the giveaway!
Best of luck on your resolution. Here's hoping 2010 is a fabulous year for all of us.
Good Luck with your blog and thanks for the giveaway.
Good Luck with your resolution...I can never keep them.
Thanks for this giveaway! Good luck with your new years resolution.
email: twasanon@gmail.com
Thanks for the giveaway, have a wonderful new year!
Happy New Year!
I resolve to exercise at least 30 minutes, three times a week. I'm off to a good start thus far!
GL to everyone who made a resolution.
I would more than love to win this! I'm into reading more now and have some books in mind.
I love Amazon. This is a great offer.
I hope your blog is a success and brings happiness to your life.
Thank for the contest. Have a wonderful new year
Thanks for the contest.
Thanks for the giveaway, happy blogging!
karczewski56 @ gmail.com
Thanks very much for this opportunity. I am following you and love reading blogs!
Happy New Year!! Thanks for the chance :)
Good luck with the resolution and God Bless!!
What a nice prize! This is my first blog reading ever. I need to learn more about blogging, huh.
Good Luck With Your Blog,
Susan Case
Happy New Year! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Happy New Year!
A Happy New Year to all and I echo your wishes for everyone. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
Happy New Year! Great giveaway!
I look forward to more of your posts in 2010. Thank you for the giveaway. sharonaquilino at hotmail dot com
Happy new year. Would love to win.
tmh29141 at hotmail dot com
Happy new year! honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
Hope everyone is having a good start to 2010!
I would luv to be shopping at Amazon.com and this would be Great in this economy we're in, funds are low
Excellent goal! Good luck with everything!
Happy New Year, Carole! Look forward to all you have planned in 2010.
trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
Good luck with your blog in the new year! Thanks for offing the GC!
Good luck and thanks for the chance to win!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Best wishes on your New Year's Resolution! Please count me in to win :)
Just found your blog. good luck on your resolution, and thanks for the chance to win
onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com
Good luck, and happy new year! Thanks for the contest.
Happy New Year to you, too...and best of luck on your resolution.
Thanks for the giveaway,
just found your site, looks great! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Awesome give away! Great blog : )
happy new year - and thanks for the giveaway
Thanks for the great giveaway! I am jealous. I love to cook but am so not creative in the kitchen!!! Good luck to you in your 2010 contests!!!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
Good luck with your blog and happy new year to you. Thanks for the giveaway.
I hope you have a WONDERFUL 2010! Happy New Year, and thank you for the giveaway chance!
Great blog. Thanks for the giveaway.
Have a great new year!
Happy New Year and good luck with your blogging!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy New Year and thanks for the contest! zekebamm(at)yahoo(dot)com
Happy New Year! This is a fun way to kick off your goals for the blog!
Thank you for the giveaway.
I love Amazon!
harleydreams2 at gmail dot com
Happy New Year. So many good books on Amazon that I would love to have
A happy and better NY to us all
Actually what I want to get is a Roku digital Player so I can stream Netflix on my TV, I just need to get about 10more of these cards and I'm good to go
Happy new year
Happy New Year! May you have many blessings and happiness this year!
Good luck with your New Year's resolution to keep at it with the blog! It took me a good year with mine before I started posting regularly. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
Good luck keeping up with your blog. Thanks for the great giveaway.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
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