March giveaway. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Passover and the beginning of Spring I am giving a $20.00 gift certificate to
From 11:01 am on Sunday, March 7, 2010 until 11:59: pm on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 leave a comment with your email under this post. I NEED AN EMAIL SO I CAN CONTACT THE WINNER.
On Wednesday. March 17, 2010 I will use to select the winner.
Wow, you are very generous! Thank you for the giveaway :)
I love amazon and I really like your blog. I am a new reader and I look forward for your posts for St. Patricks day
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog and like it very much! Thanks for the chance at this! I buy my coffee k-cups (and other things) at Amazon....good prices!
vac924 at gmail dot com
I think an amazon gift certificate is the finest, thank you for the chance
I love amazon.
I love Amazon! I do all my Christmas and Birthday shopping at Amazon. It is so much easier than treking to the malls.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
THis is a great giveaway. Thanks so much
legendj01 (at) gmail dot com
Thanks for offering this very generous giveaway!
abfantom at yahoo dot com
thank you.
Nice giveaway!
Yay, I am so excited for spring!
contactinkspot at gmail dot com
i love amazon!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Amazon is great!
:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)
I'm not Irish, but I'd like to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day! It's a fun holiday, even for those of us who aren't Irish.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
This is another way of going green i like. Happy St Pattys day
I love to cook too! Wishing you a wonderful Spring!
Nothing beats green for St. Patrick's Day!
I love Amazon! Thanks for the giveaway!
very nice mrs.mommyyatgmail
I do a lot of Amazon shopping at the holidays! We love it!
thank you so much for the chance as some 'greenbacks' lol - pun for st pattys day intended
Irish mint Diet shake: 1 scoop sugarfree vanilla Icecream, 1 scoop Vanilla diet shake mix ( slimfast or storebrand) 1/4 c.pasurized egg beaters and 2 tsp. Mint extract. Blend 2 min. Very filling and satisfying.
Well, well, and a top o' the marnin to you too! Thanks for being so generous!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Nice giveaway! Thanks!
it's a great giveaway. Amazon carries a great variety to choose from.
If I win I'll buy a 54 inch plastic Sjambok as a dog whip, as too many people keep dogs off leash as I go hiking. The Sjambok is allso good at pushing rattle snakes aside.
What a great giveaway, who doesn't love Amazon?
Thank you for the giveaway! Happy Saint Patrick's Day.
happiekarma7 at yahoo dot com
I could use this to get "The neverending story" on blu-ray
Thanks for the contest.
Ah yes, the beginning of spring. Of course, I try not to be surprised when it snows around Easter! Happy St. Patrick's day as well!
Great giveaway. Thanks!!
Love Amazon. Thanks.
Thanks for hosting up this kind of giveaway :D That's very generous, and a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, my dear!
Please feel free to contact me at:
sales4545 at gmail dot com
Happy St. Patricks day and thank you for the great giveaway!
Great giveaway! I love Amazon.
Sure hoping the Luck of the Irish is with me on this one ;).
Thanks and Happy St Patty day to you
Thanks for the great giveaway, just click my username for my email.
Top of the Morning to you, too. Thanks for the contest.
Amazon has so many great deals like mall shopping but in your jammies
I admire you having been a teacher. Thank you for your huge contribution to the future of our country!
Thank you so much for the giveaway! My birthday is the 18th so hoping for a lil birthday luck :) I just adore
Thank you!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Thanks for the giveaway.
Great! Thanks!!
stephanie_dunbar07 at hotmail dot com
I love to shop at Amazon--thanks for the giveaway!
thanks for the chance to win
katenmike420 (at) cox (dot) net
Happy St. Patrick's day. Great giveaway. Thanks.
I love Amazon-thats where I do most of my shopping.
HotZtotZ at rock dot com
Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
This is a great giveaway. Thanks!
rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
happy green day!
autumn398 @
Top of the Morning to you too!
I'm so excited that spring is almost here. We saw our first robin yesterday! Happy spring! asthenight at gmail dot com
Top of the morning to you too and happy early St. Patrick's Day!
whatinabox at gmail dot com
Social Networking Platform
I really appreciate this and I love Amazon. I hope I win!!
Love and love your March St. Paddy's Day decor.
Thank you so much for the chance to win!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love a chance to win. Thank you.
I think an amazon gift certificate is just the best gift to get
I love shopping on amazon
This has been a long winter, we are sooo ready for spring. Happy Spring everyone!
Happy St. Pat's day, we decorated the house last weekend. I cannot wait to see those first spring flowers.
Always can stock up on CDs.
TESL then 283 with Yahoo
Thank you for your kindness.
Thanks for the chance to win!
bbentry [at] aol [dot] com
Thank you for the giveaway. I saw my first sign of Spring today--a tiny yellow crocus.
Hi Carole! Thanks for the chance! I appreciate it.
H McNaron at g mail dot com.
Thank you for the very generous giveaway!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway! I love amazon!!
This is really nice of you. I love amazon,too. It wouldn't be hard to spend it on there.
This contest is really great!
Wow - what a generous prize (and one that EVERYONE is sure to love)! Happy March to all!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
You're a wonderful blogger, thanks for the chance to purchase a new cookbook ;) kcarlson1152[at]hotmail[dot]com
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
msboatgal at
Hi my email is in my profile. Thanks for the contest!
Thanks for the cool prize! I hope the luck of the Irish is with me and I win!
If Im really "lucky" I will win this!! Thanks for the chance.
I love to shop at Great Giveaway!
How generous of you! Happy spring to you too!
smchester at gmail dot com
Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!....would love love LOVE to win this!.... =]
What a great prize! I would love to win this to put towards my Christmas toy shopping this year.
mcapel4444 at
Gift cards to Amazon are always so nice, since there are so many things you can shop for there.
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
Happy St. Patrick's day!
Love amazon! Thanks for the giveaway.
3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com
I love st. Pat day!
Thanks for the giveaway, and happy St. Patrick's Day to you!
Thank you so much for having a welcome to spring giveaway. sharonaquilino at hotmail dot com
Thank you for the chance to win! :)
great giveaway who doesnt love Amazon!
lisa (104) at cox dot net
Wow a great giveaway...nice to see another Ohioan, I'm from Akron!
Happy St Paddy's day to you!
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
pkildow at gmail dot com
Happy March 17 to you!
Thank you for a very generous giveaway and Happy Saint Patricks day.
Thanks for the chance!
awesome giveaway!
I hope i win
Happy St. Pat's Day. Thanks for the nice giveaway. I usually buy Melissa and Doug toys for my son on He love them!
Pick me and I'll make you some Irish Soda Bread! Thanks for offering this - I can do serious damage on
Happy St Patty's Day!
momznite at yahoo daught com
Thanks for the giveaway!
I "discovered" two years ago and have been a fan every since. Your picked a great website to offer to your followers.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Happy St. Patty's Day. :)
Thanks for the great giveaway
Very nice of you to do - Happy St. Patrick's Day!
alas3lads (at) gmail (dot) com
this is a great giveaway! I would use it for some new kitchen tools!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the giveaway. I love shopping at Amazon because they have some great deals on books.
Spring is my favorite season. Thank you for the giveaway
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Carole!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Thanks so much for your wonderful giveaway! It's like finding the pot of gold under the rainbow!
NICE!! Amazon rocks!
several dvd's i want to get from amazon! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Can't wait for corned beef, potatoes, cabbage and irish soda bread on Wednesday - yum!
Thanks - Sarah Z
believedreamcourage (at)
I love your new banner.
great blog and contest! i already have the Amazon GC spent mentally lol
I'm leaving a comment.
I'm not Irish but hope I have their luck!
St. Patty's Day is my favorite holiday. I'm Irish and just love green!
Happy St. Patrick's Day from a fellow Irishman!
Happy St. Patrick's Day from a fellow Irishman!
Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win this so I can buy my daughter's birthday present.
Wow, you are very generous! Thank you for the giveaway :)
sinhead83 at hotmail dot com
Thanks for a kind, generous giveaway!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the chance to win!
amandasandico at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the chance to win a useful prize.
I love Amazon! Thanks for the chance
You know I have never had the guts to try a recipe contest. I admire folks that do....OK maybe a little jealous too.
Amazon has everything. Thanks for the contest.
Love Amazon. Thanks for the chance.
You have a great blog. I love to cook and bake. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thank you for the great giveaway!
I would like to win and start my dream library
Great Blog! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
Thank you for the giveaway - I would put this towards a pasta maker although no matter how much I always think that I will start entering recipe sweepstakes when I read your blog, I know I am just fooling myself, I'm not confident enough!
Love your blog...thanks for the great giveaway..I love to shop at Amazon!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! And thank you for the generosity and the chance for your followers and readers to wish for a little luck of the Irish. Thanks!
Love the giveaway. Thank You!
I love Amazon. Thank you.
I shop Amazon all the time. They are the best.
Great St.Patrick's giveaway! :)
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Thanks for the chance!
thanks for the chance
chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com
ty for the prize.
Hope you have a happy St. Patrick's day!
decadent87 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway
Thanks for the chance to win!
OOH! An Amazon G/C! That would be great to win. Thanks for offering it.
Happy St Patrick's Day and thank you very much.
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com
How nice! Thanks for the great giveaway!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you,amazon is great&the kids want new games/movies(so this would be awesome!)
ah, Amazon, my favorite online bookstore!
especially since Kim Komando listed this site one day -
you tell it how much money u need to spend to make the $25 for free shipping, and it tells you items you could buy that are that amount or slightly above! I bought a dozen pens once!
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Well I need shoes pretty badly so I'd like to invest in a new pair, thanks for the contests.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Amazon is great!
Wow -what a great prize! I'm saving my swagbucks up so I can buy Dr. Weil's vitamin D!! This prize would certainly help :-)
Tomarrow is my special day.
Thank You,
How generous of you! Are you of Irish descent? A gift card would make anyone's St. Patrick's day happier. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net
Thanks for the giveaway.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too! Be blessed!
trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
My husband is as Irish as you can be! Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway!
redfantum at aol dot com
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
thanks for the giveaway
What a great giveaway! Thanks! sonya421 at gmail dot com
And a Happy St. Paddy's Day to you!
nov231973 at gmail dot com
You are such a sweet person for always having giveaways :D I hope some good fortune comes your way also :)
I would love to win this Thank You for this great giveaway
i would love to win this so i can get a toy for my little girl! Thank you!
Would love to shop at amazon with this gc. Thanks
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
I absolutely love Amazon and would be so great to win. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
northssclub at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway!
following your blog as klp1965
Thank you for the Great giveaway please count me in :)
Thanks for having the contest. I'm not Irish and I don't really know anything about Irish food, but I do like lucky four-leaf clovers! dahlia at tmlindsey d0t com
No Wammy! No Wammy! No Wammy!
Thanks for the very generous giveaway!
braaisjo at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
nesta 67 {at} live dot com
I love amazon and you are always so generous. Thank you!
brdgcombs at aol dot com
Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!
Thanks for the nice giveaway.
Please enter me :)
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