About Me

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Cleveland, Ohio, United States
I am a retired teacher with time on my hands. I love to cook and bake. For the past eight years my hobby has been entering recipe contests. I have done very well and have been to several cook/bake offs although I have never won a grand prize. The ititials of my blog CCC are the same as the site where I get contest information, Cooking Contest Central (CCC). While there are 1000's of food blogs that post recipes this blog will review other cooking blogs.

Friday, February 6, 2009


This is a repeat. Cookie Madness was one of the first blogs I reviewed but I had not planned to review the blogs of CCC members.

Hosted by Anna Ginsberg, Cookie Madness http://www.cookiemadness.net/ is the place to go if you are looking for a cookie recipe. She also has recipes for other sweets.

I met Anna at the 2006 Pillsbury Bakeoff in Orlando. Anna went on to win the $1,000,000.00 grand prize with her wonderful, savory Chicken recipe and I went home. Anna lives with her husband, Todd, and her daughter, Emma (aka Fuzz), in Austin, Texas. She is a kind, gentle woman who is always willing to help whenever asked.


1 comment:

Tracy said...

My first cooking contest buddy ... and one of my favorite blogs!