To help ease you past tax day I will have a little sweep in which the prize will be a $20.00 Amazon.com gift certificate. From. Monday April 5, 2010 until 11:59 PM (eastern on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 leave a comment with your email under this post.
On Thursday April 15, 2010 I will use random.org to select the winner.
Ugh taxes! I have to pay this year ... thank you for the terrific giveaway!
I go to an accountant whose office is near a baking and candy-making supply store -- I always go shopping (just for little things like cute cupcake papers or decorative trinkets) as a reward for dealing with my taxes!
Thanks a lot for this great giveaway =D
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
I would love to get some of the LUSH products that are on Amazon.
Alicia Webster
Thanks a lot for this great giveaway
sinhead83 at hotmail dot com
Nice blog. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
URGH! Taxes... I've been putting it off forever. Guess I better get to it!
rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
I got a letter from the IRS saying I made a mistake on my return and was getting a bigger refund!! woo hoo!!
Tax time can definately be stressful but I think a gift certificate to Amazon.com could counteract some of that :o).
Taxes are so much less stress when the husband does them at home using the H&R Block internet program.
I hate taxes. But it is a necessary thing. I wish we could have an easier way to do them though. It seems so complicated and you never know if you are doing them correctly. I paid someone to do them for me 2 years ago and they even made mistakes. It sucks.
I have the dubius honor of having my birthday fall on April 14th. Kind of a buzzkill. gbloganx(AT)aol(DOT)com
I love to shop at Amazon.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
What a FUN giveaway! THANKS! :)
I am just about done with my taxes!
Have a great day!
amazing giveaway! very thoughtful!
I love your contests!! Thank you for your generosity! :)
Thanks for offering this great giveaway. I could buy something from Amazon to take my mind of my taxes.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Seeing as we owe taxes for the first time this year, I could use some cheering up.
thanks for the chance.
I have to pay to, unfortunately
Taxes...blah. Amazon...yay :) Thanks Carole!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Death and taxes go together! :)
You are so sweet! Thank you for the giveaway :)
Add me to the list of people that have to pay this year.
not a fun time of year paperwork filing pay Taxes bane of our existence no wonder i love chocolate to help with the stress
I would love to buy a new video game for the laptop computer I just won. thanks for the giveaway!
constancelavery at msn dot com
I had to pay a little this year. Thanks for the giveaway
Thankfully we have submitted ours and we don't owe anything! Always a hassle.
hannahlucypickard at hotmail dot co dot uk
Now THIS is my kind of contest!
my taxes are done
taxes again argh
Thanks for the giveaway!
bbentry [at] aol [dot] com
We got a refund this year, but it's already spent on medical bills!
I can't wait for the refund!!!!
a2theizzle at yahoo dot com
We have to pay this year too, yuck!
Thanks for the great giveaway Carole! I am still working on my taxes - nothing like waiting until the last few days!!
I have never had to pay taxes so tax day isn't a difficult day for me. Thanks for the giveaway
rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net
thanks for the contest
Social Networking Platform
I hope I win, I love Amazon!!
ugh, taxes!
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
tax day sucks.
I just mailed off mine today. Looking forward to receiving my refund.
No refund this year...not happy about that but it was a difficult year. kcarlson1152[at]hotmail[dot]com
Amazon is great. I shop there all the time. Thanks!
We got more back then usual. Didn't even have to pay state, which is really rare.
I use Amazon to shop year round!
Thanks for the chance.
more confusing to do taxes this year
This is a great giveaway!
Another year of taxes behind us, already have the file going for this year. Thanks for the chance to win
katenmike420 at cox dot net
I'm probably one of the few people I know who isn't stressed by filing taxes. Now paying them, that's stressful all year long! asthenight at gmail dot com
I love Amazon. Great giveaway. I have a list a mile long of things to buy so it will be well spent.
I could really use an Amazon.com GC. I read a lot
I shop at Amazon all the time. It would be nice to buy myself a little treat, since I will have to pay State tax this year. :0
Amazon is great, I get stuff for myself, my daughter and my mom, easy and quick delivery
I got a refund this year
I love Amazon - I find just about anything I could ever want there! Thanks!
I cannot think of a better way to deal with taxes than a little retail therapy.
awsome giveaway! thank you!!!
Thanks for the contest
I hate dealing with taxes. I wish they would simplify the process.
You know what they say, death and taxes, ugh! Thanks for the giveaway!
Ugh, taxes, don't remind me. On the other hand, the prize is lovely.
I'm bad, I've yet to do my taxes. And I'm probably getting a refund.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
yep they are done waiting for the man to take his money hahah this would help me!
I hate tax time, but love to shop at Amazon!
How generous of you-I love Amazon!
smchester at gmail dot com
Thank you for the giveaway!
Being a student, taxes are something I have to wait for until I graduate with a mountain of debt :) Good times.
Oh i hear government people forget to pay taxes All the time!! Too bad i could never get away with that
Hey girl! Stop by my blog I have an award waiting for you. :)
We shop at Amazon.com so this is a great Prize!!
Awesome contest - Thanks!
How nice and generous...I can certainly use a gift card to Amazon.
Man, I could sure use this! Thanks for the chance!
I love amazon
Since I do the taxes for the entire family, maybe this could be my reward? There are so many things I could get from Amazon.
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
What a great giveaway...from one Ohioan to another!
hblaser at gmail dot com
Tax day is giving me nightmares! honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway. Thanks.
I love Amazon. Thanks.
So glad taxes are already done. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Finished my Federal 2 months ago. Only have to deal with the state return now.
Finished my taxes up the other day. A $20 Gift card would be awesome!
I thought we would owe this year, but we got a refund - yahoo! I can be reached via the address on my blogger profile. Thanks for the chance to win!
This is the first time that we owe both federal and state taxes. I'd love to win.
Our taxes are in - it wasn't that bad. Thanks Obama. I could still use that amazon.com GC though.
Thanks for the giveaway, I could use a nice treat after tax day.
Happy tax day!
msboatgal at aol.com
Thanks for the very generous and wonderful giveaway.
Thanks for the chance!
LOVE U Carole I'm from down unda.....U look like a real AMAZON!
Love Amazon!
melissamcnicol at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
ashaldridge (at) gmail (dot) com
Good luck to everyone who still needs to file. Hope you have earned a big refund!
Winning an Amazon card would be a treat!
Thanks so much! Taxes are such a pain, it's nice to see a little bit coming our way!
Great giveaway! Thanks!
I am a CPA so can we just not talk about April 15th
This would help ease the pain :)
Thank you for the giveaway. What a generous and unselfish way of sharing this reminder with others.
mrsmiki77 [AT] gmail {dot} com
Evil taxes. If only we didn't have to do them at all!
Done and received the refund! I did them in January via computer but mine are easy, pretty much.
Great giveaway! Our taxes are pretty much gone & spent, but we did catch up on some bills.
mcapel4444 at aol.com
Thanks for the great giveaway offering!
Winning the $20 Amazon GC would 'definitely' alleviate some of the 'stress' I seem to encounter each year while preparing my taxes!
Good Luck to all!
We are paying taxes today. Yuck! Thanks for the great giveaway!
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
Thanks for the reminder, and the giveaway. I still have to drop off my city taxes before Thursday.
My husband just started working on ours last night. He always waits until the last minute when we have to pay.
I don't know anyone who likes paying taxes. Heard on the radio this morning that more people don't pay income tax in this country than do now. That's sounds like a recipe for disaster.
ladcraig at gmail dot com
An Amazon gift certificate sure would help the tax time stress!
Doing taxes is just so tedious.
We made a huge error and had to pay $3K. Thanks for the giveaway!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for this great giveaway!
You're so sweet to help with everyone's taxes? Did you make out okay this year? I hope you don't owe!
I love to shop on Amazon.
Hi Carole with an e from Carol without an e.
Taxes. Hate doing them every year.
spencer1953 at gmail dot com-carol.
I would love to win, thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
My hubby did our taxes...We get some $'s back this year, because he lost his job. Here's to a beter year!
Diane Baum
Love Amazon! Hate taxes.
boo for taxes.
Thanks for the chance to win. It sure does make tax day easier.
I love Amazon!
Taxes are always such a pain in the arse!
Im a late preparer, Ill be doing them tomorrow
scarter305 at aol dot com
Great prize! Thanks for the giveaway!
nesta 67 {at} live dot com
Did my taxes a couple a weeks ago.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Everyone loves Amazon.
barbara.montyj at gmail dot com
Not fun tax time. Great prize pick me up!
Just prepared my son's tax return tonight.
Great giveaway to cheer up tax time!
We put off doing our taxes because we figured we'd have to pay. So, we did our taxes on Sunday, and guess what? We have to pay.
dahlia at tmlindsey d0t com
Awesome! zcwright@yahoo.com
We're waiting to the last minute to do our taxes. We have to pay this year & I don't want to send it any earlier than i need to.
I did everyone in my family taxes last week. YUCK!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)
tax day comes back around fast it seems, we usually dont get much back but ah well
I don't really mind filing my taxes, as I always use the EZ form.I just prefer the years I get a refund. Thanks.
We had our taxes prepared last month! Nice giveaway!
Thanks for easing the stress and anxiety about tax time with such a generous giveaway! Luckily we didn't have too difficult of a time with our filing this year, but we did owe a small amount, so an Amazon gift card would surely ease the pain. Thanks!
Thanks for the chance- we got a little back but it went straight to medical bills (like everything else).
Thanks for the contest. Every year I stay up half the night to get them done and swear up and down that we'll pay someone to do our taxes the next year
fidgetblogs at gmail dot com
I think everyone in Washington should be required to fill out their own tax forms. Then they'd be motivated to make it easier for the rest of us.
we did ours in feb!Awesome prize!
I hate taxes... they're such a pain in the butt!
I should probably whip out the Turbo Tax Tonight
melissabecker at gmaildotcom
You are always so generous :D Thanks for the tax relief!
Not a fun time of year, is it? Thanks for the fun giveaway.
People are supposed to be miserly at tax time!
I think winning an Amazon gift certificate would help take the sting away of owing taxes this year. Ugh. Much prefer refund years!
i would get a lego set for my kid. he really wants one. nothing for me.
I just filed an extension for the state as well as sent them a check :-(
oh we love amazon!
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Love Amazon! Great giveaway! And I am very glad my taxes are done and in!
An amazon card would be awesome right now! Thank you so much for this giveaway!
This would be great
What a timely contest! yay
sarahcfiction (at) gmail (dot) com
Thank you!
I need this! Thanks!
Paying again this year! Yuck!
Thanks for the chance (and pick me up)
Love Amazon.com! I shop there for books for dh and toys for my 2 granddaughters. Always a great selection. My dh always does our taxes (the old fashioned way...by hand very early,) but we won't be getting any money back...darn! Once your little deductibles (kids) grow up, leave and get married, you end up PAYING taxes!
We have to pay so we are waiting untill the last minute to send in our tax form
Just dropped all the forms in the mail! Yay for another tax season over.
Thank you for the Great giveaway please count me in :)
Don't forget to go to Starbuck for your free coffee on Tax Day!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
northssclub at yahoo dot com
I kept putting mine off, but finally finished them up this afternoon. Thanks for the great giveaway :)
Love shopping at amazon and will need all the help I can get after paying my taxes!
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
thank god tax time is over ty.
Thanks for the giveaway...everyone hates paying taxes, but it's the price we pay for civilization (and indoor plumbing !!!).
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I actually get money back, so tax day isn't so stressful here.
I would love to win this! Amazon.com is the best!
Glad I filed early this year, and saved myself the stress of last minute filing.
mama2rob at yahoo dot com
I love amazon.com!
amazon dot com is so awesome!
this would be nice to have right now
alterna7 at hotmail dot com
Please enter me :)
Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!
Yay, great giveaway!
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