About Me

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Cleveland, Ohio, United States
I am a retired teacher with time on my hands. I love to cook and bake. For the past eight years my hobby has been entering recipe contests. I have done very well and have been to several cook/bake offs although I have never won a grand prize. The ititials of my blog CCC are the same as the site where I get contest information, Cooking Contest Central (CCC). While there are 1000's of food blogs that post recipes this blog will review other cooking blogs.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Cooking From Scratch http://cooking-from-scratch.blogspot.com/ is hosted by Tara in FL. Tara is a high school science teacher.



Tara said...

Hi Carole, I just noticed you set up a link to my blog and I thought I'd say Hi and Thanks! -Tara

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