Within the next week we will celebrate Labor Day and all the student’s will go back to school. So, its time for me to announce my September giveaway. Since you seemed to enjoy last month’s giveaway where I give you the choice of two prizes I am doing the same this month.
From 12:01 AM (eastern) on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 until 11:59 PM (eastern) on Sunday, September 13, 2009 leave a comment, with your email, under this post and you will be eligible to win a $20.00 gift certificate to www.amazon.com OR a $20.00 gift certificate to www.cooking.com I need your email so I can notify the winner. On Monday, September 14, 2009, I will use a random numbers generator to select the winner.
Also, I will be out of town from Sunday, September 20, 2009 until Sunday, September 27, 2009. I doubt if there will be any posts during this time.
1 – 200 of 249 Newer› Newest»Good morning, Carole!
What nice prizes you're offering, especially for someone like me who loves to both read and cook!
Hi Carole! I love your blog. I just started my own and I added yours to my list. This is fun stuff!
Hi Carole! thank you for offering these great prizes--you are a nice lady but we knew that already! Laurie lalufkin@verizon.net
Hi, Carole. Great prize in your giveaway. Can always use GC's. Happy Blogging!
Its so nice of you to have such useful prizes, thanks
Who couldn't use a generous amazon.com GC? Thanks for sponsoring this.
Good morning...great choice and happy blogging
Great choices for prizes. You can never go wrong with Amazon, you can find something for everyone there and I know plenty of cooks, so another great choice.
I love shopping on Amazon. They have just about everything and a lot of items have free shipping. Thanks for this giveaway.
I agree with Sandra- Amazon is the best! I've given up eBay and prefer Amazon now!
Hi Carole! I have simular interests in cooking and baking. Never entered any recipe contests as I don't feel confident enough in my cooking abilities. But it sure sounds like fun.
Love your blog. Thanks.
love amazon and cooking
Wow! I love Amazon, thanks for the chance.
Amazon.com has EVERYTHING!
i would buy music Cd's
to support the bands i enjoy~
put it to a school textbook
Wow - you are so generous! Thank you for this opportunity.
Thanks for offering this great giveaway!
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Hey Carole! Great giveaway. I buy all my books from Amazon.com and hope to win!
I'd love the amazon.com gift card.... ferret0903@aol.com
I love Amazon! Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to win the Amazon gift certificate. I have three in diapers, so you know what I would be buying!
Alicia Webster
Great prizes! I love buying books on amazon!
amazon for me!
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
The Amazon certificate would make it fun to pick out a good book to curl up with on fall evenings!
Thank you for hosting this giveaway. I would prefer the Amazon - it is move useful for me.
Yes, it is time to go back to school. Across America it has and will be going on for weeks.
Hello Carole!!! Your September give away is just so nice and just in time to start on our fall and winter cooking reading list.
Amber -
Thanks for the giveaway, it would help me because I buy my college books online, usually from Amazon.
Great prizes. Love Amazon for books. semtaylor@yahoo.com
I would love the amazon gift card. Every little bit helps when school comes around.
Thanks for the give away.
The amazon gift card would help lots
Great prizes!
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
I would buy a cook book on Amazon if I won the Amazon card. Thanks for your giveaway!
What a great giveaway! I would love to win it!
Thanks a lot.
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
I would love to win the Amazon gift card.
The Amazon gift card is for me! Thanks for the giveaway!
There are a few things that I have my eye on at Amazon. I need to get started on my Christmas shopping.
i can shop amazon all day long.
thank you,
Thanks for the great contest!!
i am saving for a new Printer mine died Amazon.com has so many great deals could spend and so spend to much time looking there
I love shopping at Amazon and am so happy to have found your blog.
What a great contest. Thanks Carol!
Amazon GCs are the best-you can get so much and they have everything available! As a prolific reader I order from them regularly so this would be great.
apoalillo at hotmail dot com
Color me impressed. I am always amazed by people who have the talent to enter and do well in those cooking or recipe contests.
Carole, those are great gift cards! Thanks for being so generous!!
Hi Carole -
These are great prizes. Thanks for offering them. Hope you have a nice trip.
Hi Carole! Thank you for the great giveaway. I am a bookworm, so this is perfect for me :)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I also like to cook and bake - just wish I had somebody to clean up after me!
I like Amazon, I am saving up gift codes on it to get a floor steamer mop. Thanks for the chance
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! I love Amazon and cooking!
Hi Carole! What wonderful prizes. If I wre the lucky winner it would be hard to choose as I am an avid reader and like all things cooking and kitchen. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
Thank you for this opportunity. There is so much I need it will be hard to choose. Hope I win!
I like your blog, very sharp.
amazon.com is one of my favorite places on the web....thanks for the giveaway, Carole!
Both prizes are just what I need
Would love to get an Amazon GC.
I love amazon.com. kerrie at mayansfamily dot com
I love Amazon for buying cookbooks and supplies..thanks!
Enjoying your blog!!
How sweet of you to sponsor this giveaway! I would love to have the amazon gift card for some books.
Great giveaway. I love to read. Thanks. magic5905@embarqmail.com
This is a great giveaway. Thanks.
thanks for the contest--amazon is always useful
Great prize. I love shopping on amazon.
LOVE amazon!! Thanks for the chance.
I really enjoy your blog and I wish you the best of luck with it!
Fantastic prizes, I'd use either one of these.
well we love amazon and I couldn't cook a decent meal if my life depended on it
My husband is a great cook and he'd love a new cookbook for his birthday! This would be a great gift to give him! Thanks for giving us a chance. :)
its.a.hit at gmail dot com
It would be such a treat to do a lil shopping at cooking.com or Amazon.
amazon just rocks!!! Thanks for the offer!!!
this is a fabulous prize.. you can do so much with either one
The food on your site looks so delicious. :D
fionen_ftw (at) fionen (dot) com
I enjoy baking (not regular cooking as much) and love to read, so either of those prizes would be good to win.
clynsg at yahoo.com
Wow, I am impressed that you have entered cooking contests! Those always seem so intimidating to me.
Thanks, my wife would love this
I, too, am a retired teacher who loves to cook. Just down I-77 from you! Thanks for the chance.
I love to cook too, but I've never entered any cooking contests. I don't have enough confidence in my cooking! Thanks!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
I would love to win the amazon gc.
If I win, DO NOT let me have a choice. If I have a $20 GC for cooking.com, I'll spend $200!! At least at amazon.com, I can use some self-control :-)
Great giveaway!
I would love to have the Amazon card so I could put it towards my really expensive textbooks.
Great giveaway. I'd love the Amazon so I could get the Taste Of Home cookbook!
hebert024 at aol dot com
Thanks for such an amazing giveaway. It will be great to buy some school supply from amazon.
bear101 at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the great giveaways! I'm always amazed at the stuff you can buy on Amazon!
great giveaway - I love cooking.com
Diet Cranberry Raspberry Juice Drink
I love all the fun prixes everyone has on their blogs... I can't wait to get some more hits to mine so maybe I can do something similar!
enter me!
I love that I'd have a choice - but that's a tough one to make, I'd love either!
Thank you for offering these gift cards. I love them love them love them. I am saving my amazon gift codes for gifts so yep thats what I would pick.
Hi, Carole. I like cooking and baking, too, but I am not very creative so I am impressed by the fact that you enter recipe contests. Even if you don't win, it's fun eating your creations, right? :)
let's get cooking!
Love all the cooking and recipe links on your site
msboatgal at aol.com
Love the cooking blog!
hblaser at gmail dot com
Thanks for the great giveaway and a wonderful blog.
Thank you for the chance!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Excellent Prizes
I hope i win!
Thanks for the great giveaway! I love Amamzon and Cooking.com!
Hope you have a great labor day weekend!
Hello Lovely Carole Who Gives Things Away. Thanks for the chance to win.
great prizes--I have yet to win on a blog but giving it a whirl anyway
I would love either! lisa 104 at cox dot net
Either prize would be great. Would be very handy.
Great prizes, hope I win!
"It's Back to School Time" Marshadee2001 from OLS Congratulations on your win.
I love to shop on Amazon.com, I can always find what I'm looking for.
Hi Carole,
I would love a gift certificate. Thanks for the contest.
Thank you for being so generous!
wakeupboo at gmail dot com.
Happy Labor Day! Thanks for the chance to win a yummy gift card! asthenight at gmail dot com
I love to shop at Amazon.com and Cooking.com. Great Prizes.
Yay...great prizes...
sweetypieinsc at aol dot cm
Great giveaway! Winning prizes is always fun!
(in Canada)
I enjoy shopping at Amazon
great prizes! I'd love to win. Good luck in those cooking contests!
I like how easy it is to enter the contest!!! Thank you.
Thanks for the giveaway!
thefatesarevicious at yahoo dot com
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
pkildow at gmail dot com
Great site, great prize. $20.00 gift certificate to www.amazon.com.
Please accept my entry. Thank you.
Wonderful prizes, and a great blog!
thanks for having this contest!!
This is a great prize to giveaway!
way cool love amazon! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
What a great giveaway! Either one would be so useful.
Great prize! Thanks for the chance!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
awesome giveaway
mjf926 at hotmail dot com
artistic baker
Your blog is great, i love following it
mjharvey26 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Great blog. I don't do as much baking as I would like so many I need to follow your lead and retire:)
Thanks for the chance at a great prize.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in profile
Carole, thanks for the chance to win. God bless you in your cooking (and all) adventures.
Wonderful giveaway! I'd love to win Amazon!!
speechforme at gmail dot com
Cooking and reading! Fabulous prizes but hard to choose!
Great prizes!! Thanks for the great site and great giveaway!
Thanx for the opportunity for such great prizes, I'd love the Amazon one if I won, I'm always buying my kids stuff on there! Hope you enjoy your time 'out of town' :D
Thanks for the giveaway!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
What a great giveaway- thanks for the chance to win. I am so happy to find your blog I love cooking and baking as well.
Thank you for the chance to win this great giveaway
Love Amazon. Thanks Carole! trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I love Back to School!!!!
Keep Trying, you will win a cooking contest yet!
madamerkf at aol dot com
Interesting and useful blog. Thanks honeypie411@yahoo.com
sounds wonderful :)
Sounds fabulous!!!
I've never checked out cooking.com, but I love amazon. Thanks!
Nice prizes, I would love to win
Thanks for hosting
Love Amazon.
really love to win!
justacakebaker at gmail dot com
Nice prize. I would pick Amazon so that I could get a new cookbook. I love new cookbooks.
great prizes
Happy Late Labor Day. Oh, how I love Amazon.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I would love to get my family a couple of things off of Amazon.
dmjitems (at) gmail (dot) com
These would come in handy for Christmas.
Thanks so much for a great giveaway!
caseyscouch at yahoo dot com
Great blog!
My wife and I both love it!
Almost as much as cooking and reading!
Thanks for the great giveaway offering!
Good luck to all!
Hi! Great prizes.
I love Amazon.
Love Amazon they have tons of good stuff on there!
Cooking and Amazon - two of my favorite things! Thanks for the choice of such useful prizes.
Always glad to support a fellow CCCer and Dandelion contestant!
I can't wait for the weather to cool off enough to turn on the oven to bake. I spend all summer searching and saving recipes to try in the winter.
3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com
love to cook and bake... great prize from a great site. thanks for the opportunity to win this
I would love to have the Amazon GC so I can buy more DVDs there.
I love both books and food, so either gift card would be great for me!
Hi Carole
Wonderful prizes...I would be happy with either one!
What a great contest! I would love to win this for my boys.
Thanks for such a great giveaway!
Amazon is a great place to shop. Thanks for this offer.
You can never go wrong with an Amazon gift card.
Thanks for this great giveaway!
Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway! I love the Amazon gift card idea. You can't go wrong!
I would love to win this contest. Thanks for the opportunity.
Thanks for the giveaway. Amazon GCs are always nice to have.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway- I LOVE Amazon. I haven't been to Cooking.com though so that looks like a fun place!
Hi Carole! hope you, Al and Velcro are doing well. Your blog looks wonderful, it's a joy to swing by and catch up a little bit. Continued success.
Thank you for offering this fantastic giveaway! I would love to win the Amazon gift certificate.
ihchicky AT gmail DOT com
Great prize and great giveaway!! I would love the Amazon gift card since it had everything!!
great giveaway...thanks
dangotmail AT yahoo DOT com
I could totally use this!! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Would love to enter cooking contests but I am not the best cook!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance :)
What great prizes~Please enter me!
This would be great to save for Christmas gifts! Please enter me :)
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance! :)
amandasandico at yahoo dot com
What a great contest! I am really big into baking and have been working on improving my skills.
jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. I enjoy cooking and reading and I too am retired. Love it, love it!
I just found your blog - it looks great! I can't wait to browse through it.
I love both sites.
Thank you for the giveaway. I love the prizes you are offering and I enjoyed your blog.
Great prizes ! Like your blog, too.
These look like so much shopping fun.
I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance.
I love to cook - my list of things I want at cooking.com is HUGE!
I love your blog and I love your contests. Best of both worlds loving to read and loving to cook!! It doesn't get much better than that!!!!
Marlene from Carpinteria, "Worlds most safest beach"
Hi Carol! Thanks for the giveaway! I love Amazon.
nice prize ty.
Great prizes for those who like to cook and shop.
Thanks for offering this great giveaway!
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