Another of my favorite cookbooks is Great Coffee Cakes, Sticky Buns, Muffins and More by Carole Wlter http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw_0_10?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=great+coffee+cakes+sticky+buns+muffins+%26+more&sprefix=Great+coff This is a great book with lots of good recipes.
Now I'll share secret shared with me by Anna Ginsberg. When you click on this book or any other on Amazon you will see a link to new and used copies. Often you can find a new copy at a greatly reduced price because there is a tear in the dust jacket or a remainder mark. A piece of tape repairs tear. I don't know about you but my cookbooks live in a bookshelf. A remainder mark across the bottom does not bother me, especially if I can get a $40.00 book for $9.00.
Now I'll share secret shared with me by Anna Ginsberg. When you click on this book or any other on Amazon you will see a link to new and used copies. Often you can find a new copy at a greatly reduced price because there is a tear in the dust jacket or a remainder mark. A piece of tape repairs tear. I don't know about you but my cookbooks live in a bookshelf. A remainder mark across the bottom does not bother me, especially if I can get a $40.00 book for $9.00.
1 comment:
For the past year, I have purchased most of my cookbooks from Amazon. I find the ones categorized as "very good" are the best value.
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