About Me

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Cleveland, Ohio, United States
I am a retired teacher with time on my hands. I love to cook and bake. For the past eight years my hobby has been entering recipe contests. I have done very well and have been to several cook/bake offs although I have never won a grand prize. The ititials of my blog CCC are the same as the site where I get contest information, Cooking Contest Central (CCC). While there are 1000's of food blogs that post recipes this blog will review other cooking blogs.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Inn Cusine http://inncuisine.com/ is a nice collection of recipes and other information grnered from nny of the nation's B&B's.

Ginger Snap Dip
Today is Sunday, January 10, 2009. We are in the midst of a nasty snow storm. So far we there is about 12 inches on the ground with more expected overnight. The temperature has not cracked 20 since Friday. It is a good home to stay home and make soup.
I have no choice. I can't find my car---much less start it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sandie is a great friend of mine and I agree... her blog is wonderful!